Dec 12, 2012

REVIEW: Blogging To The Bank (The Blueprint of a Blogging Millionaire) by Rob Benwell


What is being taught in BTTB?

BTTB starts with the 5 Blogging Commandments a fantastic beginning to get into high quality info straight away wrote in a motivational manner .This is a very uplifting start for any newbie and will put you in the right positive frame of mind if you are really dedicated to take on this journey.

BTTB is laid out in a 10 Steps a detailed Course that takes you on your journey from Step 1 explains Market Research & how to access the tools to carry out your Market Research. In other words “Without traffic your blog will never even get going so it is the life of your blog”. It reveals the world of domains & hosting, this section will give you tried and tested recommendations that will save you valuable time and some very useful resources.

The rest of the course teaches and explains in a detailed way about short-term and long-term blogging and how to optimize them through reader optimization, search engine optimization & monetization. This is 11 pages packed of information with clear instructions with illustrations for newbies.

BTTB explains the value of the content in you blogs and how to achieve it in a systematic way.

The next section is dedicated to promotion and the many ways to do this in an efficient , effective way by using backlinks this explains article syndication, various link exchanges & press releases.

Finally BTTB threads all the sections together to build your Blog empire and how to generate a lot of sales and commissions & get paid quickly when monetized in the right way.

The proven marketing & strategy course is definitely valuable in learning new skills , and will really allow you to capture many more sales and traffic rather than losing every day without the strategies.

These are the strategies that Rob has discovered and is using to make money from his blogs every month. You can learn to get people participating actively and reading your blogs regularly. This can be translated to much higher sales and commissions and earn money every day as compared to what you may have been earning before. Making money from blogs is a very legitimate way of make money from home, but you will need to continually keep yourself updated with the latest strategies & dedicated for driving traffic and promoting your products.

CLICK HERE - For Blogging To The Bank

Nov 15, 2012

REVIEW: Auto Blog System X

Another product from the creator of BLOGGING TO THE BANK...

Rob Benwells’ new Auto Blog System X is all about ‘auto blogging’. The course consists of a 60 page e-book so that you can follow it along and put the entire process into action. In classic Benwell style the book explains in depth ‘the 8 rules of auto blogging’.

ABS X explains how to build your auto blog, monetize, promote and how to keep or sell your blogs to maximize efficiency. This comprehensive system teaches you how to set up a Word Press blog with specific recommendation for plug-ins. The system shows how to generate a passive income.

The ABS X type of blog automatically pulls content from the net and displays it on the blog.

Auto blogging is a popular way of making money online from blogs because as the name says, it’s fully automated. ABS X explains how to go through the different stages to get fully automated and simplify how to auto generate you blog(s).

A fantastic piece of priceless tips and techniques on how to make this happen. It’s packed with detail and I would recommend for you to highlight the juicy bits as you go through it. It is suggested that you read it more than once especially for all you newbies. It has basic tutorials for newbies and high end tricks for experience webmasters.

It’s not bumped up with loads of pictures to make it a bigger product, it’s very well organised to take you on your Auto Blog journey. Don’t be fooled, there is effort involved, but once effort is put in its really going to be worth it after the original setup. Results cannot be seen in one day. You will see real results in around 7 days depending on your own experience, for example if you are familiar with the different programs and tools, if not then a little longer if you are not.

ABS X explains how a blog gets traffic from search engines from long tail keywords due to the sheer amount of content it’s able to post and is usually monetized with Clickbank, E-bay or Amazon.

ABS X does not have any plug-ins or software that will do everything for you. ABS X explains to you about already available sources some of which you may not know.

If you are looking for a way to make money using blogging but do not want to do most the manual work yourself, you will definitely be interested in ABS X.

When you use blogs to earn an income online, you should be aware that you do not spam since it is an activity that can get bloggers banned very quickly. Luckily, ABS X software recommendations do not spam and simply generate natural content through its RSS feeds.

If blogging is an avenue you wish to pursue when it comes to ways to earn money online, then ABS X is really worth a look.

CLICK HERE for Auto Blog System X

Sep 9, 2012

REVIEW: The Cash Code


Well lets get straight to the point. I am going to cut through most of the other hype you have read so far about this course…

When it comes to ways to earn money online there are so many 'systems' and 'money making products' out there that you will not know where to start. Let alone all the fraudsters trying to sell you a pipe dream and promising you will 'get rich quick'.

Well, I am the type of person who is going to just lay it out on the table for you and tell you exactly how it is.

And if you read on I will explain exactly what the The Cash Code is about.

What is The Cash Code?

I am not sure if you are aware of this but last year there were two very popular Internet marketing courses called 'The Affiliate Code' and 'The Clickbank Code'. It was created by Michael Jones who has several No.1 Clickbank best sellers. Michael has been known in the Internet Marketing community for his unorthodox methods and unique ways to earn money online.

If you have been trying to get your head around ways to earn money online, you are probably finding it quite frustrating. It seems that everytime you thought you were getting somewhere, it simply turns out to be a waste of time.

Like you read about a new way to make affiliate commissions, and it’s amazing…until you realize it won’t work without a big list. Or you’ll see some great new list building system, but it requires PPC (pay-per-click) and you just don’t have the cash to get into that.

Well, that’s what’s different about The Cash Code. Michael Jones has designed this system aiming at people who have struggled with everything else. Helping people with little or no knowledge to become a super affiliate, and be on you way to earn money online even without having any list at all.

Besides with Michael Jones you have a person who is known in the affiliate marketers community with a proven track record with two previous top rated products.

The method in The Cash Code is so simple that it doesn’t require weeks or days of learning. With minimum background in marketing you can jump right in and be ready to start making money in 2 or 3 hours of following the simple steps and be on your way to earn money online.

Even though the techniques in The Cash Code have been 'underground', that doesn’t necessarily mean they will stay that way for long.

If you are not willing to stick with the system, it will not work for you.

The basic objective of The Cash Code is to help provide you with the training and support needed to grow your way to earn money online…

So if you follow the course and stick to it then you could definitely grow at least a 4 figure a month business pretty quickly.

If you have simply never made any money online, then you need to ask if you are willing to put in a lot of effort in order to earn a full-time income online then promise yourself that when you buy The Cash Code that you will follow it through till the end and follow everything that you are taught.

There is no doubt the training is top quality but if you are not willing to put in the effort to make a real go of it then The Cash Code as well as everything else out there just isn’t for you…

However if you are serious about earning money online and are willing to act then The Cash Code is a very good course to follow through and the best time is to act now.

CLICK HERE - For 'The Cash Code' By Michael Jones