Nov 15, 2012

REVIEW: Auto Blog System X

Another product from the creator of BLOGGING TO THE BANK...

Rob Benwells’ new Auto Blog System X is all about ‘auto blogging’. The course consists of a 60 page e-book so that you can follow it along and put the entire process into action. In classic Benwell style the book explains in depth ‘the 8 rules of auto blogging’.

ABS X explains how to build your auto blog, monetize, promote and how to keep or sell your blogs to maximize efficiency. This comprehensive system teaches you how to set up a Word Press blog with specific recommendation for plug-ins. The system shows how to generate a passive income.

The ABS X type of blog automatically pulls content from the net and displays it on the blog.

Auto blogging is a popular way of making money online from blogs because as the name says, it’s fully automated. ABS X explains how to go through the different stages to get fully automated and simplify how to auto generate you blog(s).

A fantastic piece of priceless tips and techniques on how to make this happen. It’s packed with detail and I would recommend for you to highlight the juicy bits as you go through it. It is suggested that you read it more than once especially for all you newbies. It has basic tutorials for newbies and high end tricks for experience webmasters.

It’s not bumped up with loads of pictures to make it a bigger product, it’s very well organised to take you on your Auto Blog journey. Don’t be fooled, there is effort involved, but once effort is put in its really going to be worth it after the original setup. Results cannot be seen in one day. You will see real results in around 7 days depending on your own experience, for example if you are familiar with the different programs and tools, if not then a little longer if you are not.

ABS X explains how a blog gets traffic from search engines from long tail keywords due to the sheer amount of content it’s able to post and is usually monetized with Clickbank, E-bay or Amazon.

ABS X does not have any plug-ins or software that will do everything for you. ABS X explains to you about already available sources some of which you may not know.

If you are looking for a way to make money using blogging but do not want to do most the manual work yourself, you will definitely be interested in ABS X.

When you use blogs to earn an income online, you should be aware that you do not spam since it is an activity that can get bloggers banned very quickly. Luckily, ABS X software recommendations do not spam and simply generate natural content through its RSS feeds.

If blogging is an avenue you wish to pursue when it comes to ways to earn money online, then ABS X is really worth a look.

CLICK HERE for Auto Blog System X